Craig Childs - House of Rain
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Field Notebook

February 25, 2021
The Shape of a Horse
My mother is an artist, and when she was a kid in New Mexico she'd draw horses in a Southwestern style, jaunty spring in their step and delicately curved...

December 24, 2020
On these long and softly lit nights
You go out for wood and find yourself staring at the stars, the sky so cold it feels like it could crack, and you remember what time of year it is. A far arm of the galaxy is laced from horizon to horizon. Orion chases the beautiful Pleiades nonstop. You

November 26, 2019
Interview with the Author
I see you wrote a new book that just came out. Its called Virga and Bone: Essays from Dry Places. Does anybody ever make fun of you for that title? (Read more...)

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field notebook

Looking for Shelter Utah
I keep rehearsing in my head what it will feel like to walk straight to these cave-arches, congratulating the compass of my body, but poking down one bedrock draw after the next I see my compass is off...

Running with Fire Colorado
Late that night JT and I are running through the dark with torches outstretched, boots crashing through wind-hardened snow. We move fast, as if we had stolen this fire from the gods...

Eight Months Pregnant in New York New York
She leans back on her palms, bracing herself on years of dog piss and chewing gum. No one stops to see if she needs help. All it takes is a quick glance to see this woman needs help from no one...

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